Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely. We use a single-session model for Roadmapping sessions, and for many people this may be enough to give you a bit of a plan for your next steps forward. Others may wish to book a further Roadmapping session or two to help work through this goal setting stage. We don’t offer ongoing/long term counselling at this time, but in some instances can provide 1:1 support for those who would like to build their social confidence but don’t yet feel ready for the group environment.

  • If you would like to book your roadmapping session face to face, we will discuss which space works best. Generally, our therapists don’t home visit for this initial meeting, and aim for a space in the community. This might be where we are running our groups (Kathleen Symes Library and Community Centre, Carlton), or could be your school, local cafe or another setting.

  • We meet with every young person who is interested in building their social confidence at least once for a Roadmapping session. We know that signing up for any type of therapy or group can be a big investment of time and money, and we want to make sure it is the right step for you, and that you can get the most out of it. The Roadmapping session ensures we’re all on the same page about your goals, so we can offer strategies and support along the way. It also helps us get to know one another, and discuss whether we have a group coming up that is right for you.

  • We don’t actually run “social skills groups”. Our group sessions involve fun activities that promote interaction, reflection and being together. They are designed to create natural opportunities for you to socialise and work with others in a way that feels right for you.

    We don’t assume that there is one “right” way to socialise, and don’t teach “social rules”. Rather, we support participants to work on the individual goals they’ve identified, and support the group to respect one another by considering the needs of others. For example, someone in the group may be working on managing their anxiety about conversations; another group member may be trying out their leadership skills, and someone else may be focused on noticing and understanding other people’s communication. We strive to create a safe space so that all of these group members get to work on these goals alongside each other (whilst also having fun!).

  • No. We focus on goals, not diagnoses. We respect that people may want to work on their confidence in social situations for a whole range of reasons. If you do have a diagnosis and feel this is helpful for us to better understand where you are at, please feel comfortable to chat with us in your Roadmapping session. We are all experienced clinicians who have worked with young people with a range of diagnoses.

  • Yes! If you know in advance that you can’t make some sessions, or you come along to your first group a few weeks after the term has started, we will absolutely still welcome you! What we do ask is once you have joined the group, to give us 7 days notice (when possible) if you aren’t planning to attend the following week’s group.

  • We are not currently a registered NDIS provider, although self-managed and plan-managed NDIS funding may be used to access our groups. Speak to your local area coordinator, plan manager, or feel free to send us an enquiry if you would like to know more.

  • 1:1 Roadmapping and Checkpoint sessions may be claimed against Medicare for a rebate using your Mental Health Care Plan. Additionally, you may also be able to use your Mental Health Care Plan to receive a rebate on our group packages- but only in cases where we have at least 4 participants utilising this funding scheme in a group. Please let us know if this may apply for you or if you have further questions.

  • Please get in touch with us to discuss whether you may be eligible for any rebates or financial assistance, or any other options we can recommend.

  • We don’t currently run groups interstate, but are exploring online group options if there is enough interest! We can also run groups in secondary schools and clubs. Send us an email if you would like to express your interest in these options, sign up to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the loop about new programs, groups and service offerings.

  • Our waitlist times regularly change. Contact us for more details.

  • Yes! We love working in secondary schools and can deliver support for students, teachers and parents. Contact us for more details.

  • If you’re not sure what some of the words mean in our website, please click here to read our Glossary.