The lowdown on groups

Our groups are designed for young people who would like to work on feeling better in social situations. You can express interest in joining a group after you’ve had a 1:1 Roadmapping session. Groups typically involve 6-8 young people of similar age, and with similar goals, and are held on a weekly basis throughout the school term, taking breaks over the school holidays.

What does group participation look like?

  • Weekly, 2-hour group sessions held throughout the school term. Sessions are based around fun, social group activities so young people can work on their goals around others, with the support of two experienced group therapists.

  • A 1:1 (50 minute) Checkpoint session in the second half of each term, to note progress towards the young person’s goals and help plan the next steps. This can be face to face, or via telehealth.

  • All group activity materials and snacks are provided.

  • Participants also get a personal journal for recording their goals, reflections and experiences throughout the group.

    Group Fees:

    $132.55 per week and a 1:1 Checkpoint session at $193.99.

    You may be eligible to utilise NDIS funding or a Mental Health Care Plan to support your participation- please see our FAQ page or contact us to discuss options further.  

What happens in a group?

Group sessions are designed to be fun, with games and activities that provide natural opportunities to interact.

The first half of each session is “hang time”: a casual space where there are different activities on offer for participants to join. We ask participants what they are into, so we can plan activities the group will enjoy. Into art? Great! More of a gamer? We’ve got the TV set up with a switch! Like playing uno? Draw Four! Participants can use this time to ease into being around others in the activities of their choice.

After a snack break, the group comes together as a whole for our #socialchat time. We check in with how everyone’s week has been, and have some group activities that are a bit more structured. This might include some “get-to-know-you” activities, and later in term we might discuss different social situations and dilemmas, if the group is up for it. This gives us an opportunity for perspective taking, opinion sharing, and a chance to think through options to problem-solve a tricky situation.

Although new members can join at different times throughout the term, we do our best to ensure our groups are safe and predictable, so that you can get to know one another and your group facilitators, regardless of how long you’ve been in the group.

To get an idea of our group space at Kathleen Symes Library and Community Centre, you may like to watch the walk-through video on our Accessibility page.

Have more questions? Check out our FAQs or get in touch!

A flat lay of board games including scattergories, uno and jenga
A football and frisbee laying on grass
A flatlay of journal books, coloured textas and multicoloured washi tapes.
a bowl of popcorn